Tuesday, April 26, 2011

stuff to bring when travelling

The clock says it's 10:30pm! and oh! no! i just woke up! our departure for PACE Convention in Puerto Prinsesa, Palawan is tomorrow afternoon, but still... hubby and i are not yet ready! we are still unpacked! and honestly, I am having a hard time packing for a 4 nights/5 days trip! But with the help of hubby, i have managed all those things...yun nga lang sobrang nag cram ako kahit 12nn ang alis namin sa bahay! haaaaayyyy! =)

So, to help everyone who's having a hard time packing their stuff(just like me), these are the things you might need. Check this out!

my not so complete kikay stuff  ;)

1. Book - read: 
             a. while waiting for the delayed flight! 
             b. if you're having a hard time sleeping (kase namamahay! hehe!)
             c. while sun bathing.
             d. and a lot more to do with it!
2. Coin purse (with coins of course!) - you need extra coins for exact payment.
3. Money(Cash) - for you cannot live without this! There's not much ATM around the area.
4. Chargers - for bat empty cellphones and camera.
5. Cellphone - bring this with you, in case of emergency. since you are frequently travelling in water, wrap it in a zip lock.
6. itouch - bring also itouch speaker and fill it out with reggae and rnb songs..upload movies and games too! =)
7. (Folding) Fan - for the hot weather condition!
8. Digicam(camera) - make it 3! hahaha! and have it in full battery! There's a lot of beautiful and wonderful creations of G! =) Don't forget to take videos!
9. Rosary - bring this with you. you'll feel safe whenever and wherever you will go! It's for your spiritual protection!
10. Advantage/Suki Card - for a "kuripot" traveller like me, every point counts! =)
11. Shampoo -to make your dusty hair clean!
12. Conditioner - for dry hair.. to make it shine!
13. Umbrella - in case it rains! GSP! lol!
14. Toothpaste(& Toothbrush) - to make your breath fresh!
15. Comb - bad hair day no! no!
16. Lip Balm - sees to it that it has SPF!
17. ATM - aside from cash you should also bring this with you just in case you encounter a not so good situation.
18. ID(identification card) - very important one! have it with you too!
19. Chocolate/Candies - just in case the waves grew big and the motion is intense, candies are quite useful for sea sickness.
20. & 21. notepad & pen - to jot down notes. (listahan na din ng mga nagagastos! lol!)
22. Wet Tissue/Wipes - useful during long hikes and when you are all sticky and sweaty.
23. Cotton Buds
24. Baby Powder - for retouch! =)
25. Pouch Bag - use this for placing all your kikay stuff!
26. Cologne - to feel you fresh and smells good!
27. Sun Protect(for face) - to avoid damage cells in your face due to the heat of sun.
28. Vitamins - to keep you goin'! and with the hectic tour sched. in the paradise, getting sick is not an option.
29. Hand Sanitizer - important when using public restroom.
30. Sun Block - a must have for skin protection esp. when you go during summer season. Best buy: Godiva Anti-Jellyfish sunblock.
31. Alcohol
32. & 33. ointment - for insect bite
34. Mosquito Repellant- to avoid mosquito bite that would cause dengue.
35. Sunglasses – to protect your eyes from the heat of the sun and the skin below your eyes. esp. if you're prone to dark eyebags.
36. Blush on - to make you blush! LOL! =)

other things are:
a. Snorkeling gear
b. Chips & Soda- for hungry stomach while island hopping. But be sure not to leave that trash in the island.
c. Drinking Bottle - quench your thirst!
d. Flashlight - very useful when you swim in the caves. small ones is enough.
e. Hat/Scarf/Malong/Sarong- for sun protection.
f. Water Proof Bag(Small) -  for your wet clothes.
g. Soap
h. Towel - in case your hotel would not provide it.
i. Shaver - for unwanted hair.
j. Aqua Shoes - for your safety and happy feet! =)

What To Wear?
*Bathing suits
*Clothes that easily dry
*Towel (during island hopping)

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